Sunday 31 August 2014

Left Breast Core biopsy

So now I am laying on the table in the ultrasound room. They stick needles into my left breast to freeze it. Then comes the core needle biopsy using an ultrasound machine to guide the doctor to the tumour. The tumour is on the right side of my nipple- they insert a fine hollow tube into my right side and go threw that way. Then a large snap sound happens to suck a piece of tumour into the tube. I am not going to lie- this was painful and scary. I hope I never have to have one again! So after I was done they made me another appointment at the breast clinic but tell me no matter what the results I have to make it to this appointment and the appointment with my family doctor who will get the results first and call me in. It seemed like time went really slowly after that. I was 90% sure it wouldn't be cancer. I had big plans for 2014- volunteering at the food bank, online courses, traveling...I was on track with  eating healthy, I was going to the gym, walking, the same time I was dealing with James broken arm and getting him assessed for a learning disability. After my biopsy we had to go talk to James doctor for our initial meeting. Trying to keep my mind focused. It was definitely  a time of much change I couldn't of guessed....

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