Sunday 31 August 2014


So at this point I have had a biopsy, not sure what was going on. After the weekend I get a call Monday May 12 to go see my family doctor in a few days, may 15th to discuss the biopsy results. That was fast I thought, I never get in that quickly I thought to myself.  The day after I got the family doctor call we had to take James to see his doctor for his learning assessment - we decided to spend the rest of the day just the 3 of us. Dean, James and I at James favorite place in Saint John, Martello tower. It was a really nice afternoon, but a little tinge of concern was in my heart. My husband Dean was scheduled to go back overseas to work his regular schedule of 1 month away/3 weeks home. So he was home and we get to the doctors for 9am, strange I thought, the secretary wouldn't look at me when she talked, she always did before...Dean and I go in and my doctor comes in and looks over the results. He said " unfortunately the results came back at positive for cancer". I was honestly waiting for him to say "kidding!!". He said you probably won't hear anything I am going to say to you now after hearing what I just told you. My husband held onto me and was weeping. I was in shock! Like really? Cancer? Me? My doctor said I would get a call from the breast clinic again to go talk to the breast surgeon. Now I was left with who do I call first, I have to tell my family, my friends, my CHILDREN!!! Things were suddenly moving very fast... 

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