Monday 1 September 2014

My Journey to Healing

So that night I am released from the hospital and we get the pain killers, get into the hotel. I don't remember every detail. The anesthesia was very powerful. My blood pressure always gives me issues. Instead of going up due to stress, it drops and goes low.

 The hotel suite was beautiful. Livingroom, soaker tub in the bedroom. Dean was so tired, but he never failed to take care of me.

The Saint John Extra Mural visit the next morning before I can be released to go home. Then Sussex Extra Mural do home visits to clean my chest wound, drain exit area and wound from where they took out some nodes under my arm pit. Getting such a fresh wound area cleaned in such a sensitive area is nauseating. I miss my freedom already. Such a long winter, had lots of plans for this summer and fall...but such is life, I cannot dwell on "why me", why not me?

I spend part of the days feeling so good, sore throat, headache, over all achy. Not sure if it is the shock to my body or the painkillers. Of course as a mother my main concern is that life for the kids is stable.